Starting and managing a Small... Business


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Starting and managing a Small... Business of your Own - Wendell O. Metcalf - 3rd - 1973 - Paperback - Small Business Administration

Starting and managing a Small... Business of your Own

The Starting and managing Series
Volume 1 (3rd Edition)

Starting and Managing a Small Business of Your Owr has become one of the most popular booklets offered foi sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Since the pub lication of the first edition in 1958 and the second editior in 1962, this booklet has provided suggestions and guide lines for thousands of persons who were considering whether to go into business for themselves.
This third edition was prepared by Wendell O. Metcalf Chief, Education Division, Office of Management Assist ance, retired. The author of the two previous editions Mr. Metcalf worked closely with small business during hi long career in providing management assistance. Art wa designed and prepared by James Truett.

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