The Northwest Corner


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The Northwest Corner - Murray Morgan - 1962 - Hardcover - The Viking Press

The Northwest Corner

The Pacific Northwest; Its Past and Present

To the beautiful Pacific Northwest the quarter million square miles that include Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and southwestern Canada. - this book of lively text and outstanding photographs has tried to do justice. Nowhere is there a land of more varied attractions. "Pacific Northwest" means the rain forests of the Olympic Peninsula, that last great wilderness in the United States, and the volcanic peaks of the Cascades; it means green hills and rocky cliffs dropping down to the Pacific, the sagebrush deserts of Eastern Washington and Oregon; it means the tremendous sweep of the Columbia River, tamed now by the great dams from Grand Coulee to Bonneville; it means sheep and cattle ranches, tree farms and virgin forests, the orchards and flower farms of the lush valleys, and the fishing and lumbering industries of the seaports.

Murray Morgan, a native of the Northwest, and its best-known popular historian, tells of its past�a colorful tale of exploration, seafaring, and pioneering; and he describes the area as it is now: one of the most vital and exuberant parts of our country, where people work and play on the mountains and streams, the forests and the ocean. The photographs in this profile with pictures are by such outstanding artists as Ray Atkeson, Al Monner, Joseph Scaylea, Eliot Elisofon and Johsel Namkung. This is a picture book that can be read as well as looked at, the words and pictures combining to form a portrait of the Northwest Corner, yesterday and today.

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