Microsoft C/C++ - Class Libraries


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Microsoft C/C++ - Class Libraries User's Guide version 7.0 - Microsoft - version 7.0 - 1991 - Paperback - Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft C/C++ - Class Libraries User's Guide version 7.0

This Class Libraries User's Guide introduction discusses C++ class libraries in general terms and then summarizes the the two class libraries that are included with Microsoft� C/C++ Version 7.0. These libraries include:

* The Microsoft Foundation Class Library
This library contains a full-featured set of C++ classes for Microsoft Windows�. It includes not only Windows classes but also general-purpose classes for collections, files, persistent storage, exceptions, diagnostics, memory management, strings, and time.

* The Microsoft iostream Class Library

The iostream classes can be used for most input/output, but they are particularly useful for text-mode output. These classes are popular because they have a programming interface that is compatible with C++.

Following the class library summary is a section that tells you how to use the library documention.

To start using this guide, you will need a basic knowledge of the C++ programming language. To use the Windows Foundation classes, you should be familiar with the C-language application programming interface to Microsoft Windows.

Part 1 The Microsoft Foundation Class Library Tutorial
Chapter 01. Using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library Tutorial
Chapter 02. Creating a Data Model with the Microsoft Foundation Classes
Chapter 03. Windows Programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes
Chapter 04. Phone Book: A Simple Windows Database
Chapter 05. Phone Book: Dialog Boxes
Chapter 06. Phone Book: Message Handlers

Part 2 The Microsoft Foundation Class Library Cookbook
Chapter 07. General-Purpose Classes
Chapter 08. The CObject Class
Chapter 09. Collections
Chapter 10. Files and Serialization
Chapter 11. Diagnostics
Chapter 12. Exceptions
Chapter 13. Application Design
Chapter 14. Window Management
Chapter 15. Dialogs and Control Windows
Chapter 16. Graphics
Chapter 17. User Input

Part 3 Microsoft iostream Class Library Tutorial
Chapter 18. The Fundamentals of iostream Programming
Chapter 19. Advanced iostream Programming

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