Massachusetts Criminal Defense


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Massachusetts Criminal Defense - Abridged Clinical Student Edition - 1993 Supplement Paperback - Eric D. Blumenson ^ Stanley Z. Fisher - Student - 1993 - Paperback - Butterworth Legal Publishers

Massachusetts Criminal Defence - Abridged Clinical Student Edition - 1993 Supplement


This supplement follows, with two exceptions, the chapter sequence of the Student Edition. Each entry is keyed to a specific chapter and page in the Student Edition or establishes a new section or subsection within the text of the Student Edition.

Chapter 3A (District Court Trials and Pleas Under the Single-Trial System) and Chapter 30 (Jury Examination and Selection) in this supplement are exceptions to the above. Chapter 3A is a new chapter addressing the recently initiated single-trial system now in effect in the district courts. Chapter 30 was not included in the Student Edition. Therefore, the entire of Chapter 30, and the supplementary material to it are included in this supplement.

* Proceedings and Strategies in District Court
* Initiation of Criminal Proceedings
* Arraignment and Related Issues
* Preparing the Case
* Pretrial Proceedings
* Trial Proceedings
* Pleas, Sentences, and Collateral Consequences

... and More!

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