basic pulses - A Rider Picture


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basic pulses - A Rider Picture Book Training Course Paperback - I. Gottlieb - 1958 - Hardcover - John F. Rider Publisher, Inc.

basic pulses - A Rider Picture Book Training Course Paperback

* What is A Pulse?
* The measurement of Pulses
* The Composition of Pulses
* Pulses in Frequency Selective Circuits
* The Energy Storage Viewpoint of Pulses
* Waveshaping Techniques
* Pulse Generators

basics of digital computers

Anyone with knowledge of the fundamentals of electronics can understand and master the basics of digital computers with this new three-volume "picture-book" course. At least one big illustration is given on each page to make the text crystal-clear. Fundamentals are presented idea-by-idea, permitting the reader to build his knowledge step-by-step, as slowly or as quickly as he likes. The new computer language is made completely understandable. The explanations are thorough enough to satisfy the most critical reader.

Volume One of the course begins with a review of the development of computers. Then, as part of the explanation of what a computer is, this volume furnishes the background on binary data representation (the basis of the digital computer) with many varied examples. This is followed by detailed explanations of the basic concepts of automatic calculation, programming and control.

Volume Two introduces the basic building blocks of^logi-cal systems. A building block is a combination of circuit components which form a logical unit in the computer. The text leads the reader through a step-by-step, detailed transition from thinking in terms of communications electronics to thinking in terms of computer electronics. Using the fundamentals of communications electronics as the basis, the text highlights the elemental uses of tubes, diodes, and magnetic cores in digital computers. Having explained the elements involved, the course then shows typical examples of the combined use of the logical building blocks and the elemental circuits.

Volume Three deals in detail with the major logical systems in a digital computer. It thoroughly explains the processes of storing and transferring data within the computer. It also discusses the allied input-output units which are the initial and final steps in the handling of computer data. In addition to the latter, the volume covers magnetic drums and core type of memory; both static and dynamic types of registers including shift registers; timing pulses; controls; and


The Pulse Waveform Defined
Pulse Uses in Electronic Equipment
Measuring Irregular Waveforms
Types of Pulse Wavetrains
Additional Pulse Characteristics
Fourier Analysis of Pulse Constitue
The D-C Component in Pulse Trains
Factors Determining Waveshapes
Wave Symmetry in Waveform Analysis
Single-Pulse Concepts
Pulses in L-C-R Circuits
Frequency-Response of R-C Networks
R-C Filters in Radio and Test Probes
The Energy-Storage Viewpoint
Time Constants in R-C and L-R Networks
Shunt Resistance
Waveshaping by Special Circuits
Waveform Differentiation and Integration
Speech Waveforms
D-C Restoration Principle
The Sawtooth Generator
Vacuum Tubes as Pulse Generators
The Blocking Oscillator
Multivibrator-Produced Pulse Trains
A Unique Relaxation Switching Circuit

and much, much More

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