Persian Cats


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Persian Cats and Other Longhairs - Jeanne Ramsdale - 1964 - Hardcover - T.F.H. Publications

by Jeanne Ramsdale Cat fanciers, perhaps the most AND OTHER LONGHAIRS
dedicated and devoted animal supplies the answers to questions
lovers in the world, have long been that have never been answered
waiting for the book which would before; a reader cannot help but
give practical, thorough, authori- be impressed at the facility with
tative information on all aspects which Mrs. Ramsdale treats diffi-
of importance in the care and cult subjects clearly and corn-
breeding of those adorable felines, pletely. With sections containing
longhaired cats. In this complete information on diet, selecting and
book, author Ramsdale does just buying a longhaired cat, grooming,
that, and her authoritative treat- prevention and treatment of feline
ment of the whole body of detailed ailments, breeding and selling, and
knowledge about longhaired cats attention to specific characteristics
earns her the gratitude of cat of separate longhair varieties,
fanciers everywhere. Informative PERSIAN CATS AND OTHER
yet entertaining, thoroughly de- LONGHAIRS has it all, plus
tailed yet thoroughly understand- many excellent photos in color and
able, comprehensive yet concen- black-and-white of the cats which
trated on those subjects of most have accounted for the popularity
importance, PERSIAN CATS of longhairs today.

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