Prime Time Freeware for Unix


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Condition: Used - Like New - 2 CD ROM



Prime Time Freeware for Unix, Interesting Source Code for Adventurous Programmers 2 CD ROM - Rich Morin - 1994 - Paperback - Prime Time

5000 Megabytes of Freeware
You are holding a very unusual object. Cleverly disguised as a book, this is actually a collection of UNIX-related freeware. 5000 megabytes of free source code and documentation, stored as compressed archives on two ISO9660 CD-ROMs.
The freeware includes some of the finest efforts of computer scientists from around the world. PTF searches the Internet for interesting packages, locates current copies, organizes and annotates them, then delivers them in this convenient and economical format.
This issue contains more than 100 interpreters and compilers, plus dozens of other software development tools. It has document preparation tools, graphics and GUI tools, math and simulation code, windowing utilities, and much, much more.

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